MMO Macros
WoW Macros
Steady Shot with Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot

Steady Shot with Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot Macro

WoW Hunter Macro

This macro casts Steady Shot, followed by either Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot. It also includes Kill Command for pet targets. The macro uses a castsequence for auto shot and steady shot, resetting after 3 seconds or a new target. The UIErrorsFrame is cleared to prevent spamming. It is suitable for Hunters.

#showtooltip Steady Shot /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /castsequence reset=3/target !auto shot, steady shot /castrandom arcane shot, multi-shot /cast [exists,target=pettarget,nodead] kill command /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /console Sound_EnableSFX 1

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