Healthstone or Healing Potion Macro
WoW Warlock Macro
This macro will use your healthstone on left-click and super healing potion on right-click.
/use [button:1] Healthstone; [button:2] Super Healing Potion
More WoW warlock macros
- Affliction Castsequence
- Affliction DPS Rotation
- Affliction Demon Soul Drain Soul
- Affliction Modifier Casts
- Affliction Soul Swap
- Affliction Soul Swap 2
- All-in-One Drains
- All-in-One Pet Summons
- Demonology Demonic Empowerment Hand of Gul'dan
- Demonology Felstorm Spell
- Demonology Use Trinkets Metamorphosis Curse of Agony
- Destruction Incinerate Firebolt
- Fel Domination and Summon Pet
- General Warlock Focus Fear
- General Warlock Pet Modifiers
- General Warlock Stop Rain of Fire
- General Warlock Summon
- General Warlock Summon Modifiers
- Healthstone or Healing Potion
- Incinerate or Immolate
- Pet Attack to Destroy Shaman Totems
- Ritual of Souls or Create Healthstone
- Ritual of Summoning or Ritual of Souls